Dealer Website & Social Media

Davimac Group places a significant emphasis on building a robust brand presence that resonates with local customer bases. We expect dealers to maintain a strong Agrowplow and/or Davimac brand presence on their website and social media channels.

The Importance of Strong Online Branding

At Davimac Group, we firmly believe that a strong online brand presence is the cornerstone of a successful dealership. Your website and social media channels serve as virtual storefronts, offering potential customers their first glimpse into the world of Davimac and Agrowplow machinery and equipment.

We encourage you to embrace these digital avenues as powerful tools for engaging with your online audience effectively and see the digital landscape as an extension of your dealership's physical presence.

Product Branding Expectations

We expect our dealers to showcase our brand consistently and professionally, highlighting the core values and commitment to excellence that our brands stand for. A well-crafted online presence reflects the quality and reliability of our products and creates a lasting impression that differentiates your dealership in the competitive market. 

Dealer Websites:

Your dealership website serves as a crucial platform for showcasing the extensive range of Davimac and Agrowplow machinery and equipment. 

A well-presented online presence not only enhances your dealership's credibility but also plays a pivotal role in informing and attracting potential customers. Here are some concrete expectations and tips to ensure a strong brand representation on your website:

Dedicated Landing Page

This serves as a central hub where customers can learn more about your stock. 

Individual Machine Pages

These pages feature more specific information about the machine and include a clear call-to-action (CTA).

Machine Page Content

Present the product in an organized and visually appealing manner, with detailed descriptions, specifications, and high-quality images. Let your customers explore the various features and benefits of our machinery, helping them make informed decisions.

Product Videos 

Videos offer potential customers an immersive and dynamic experience to quickly and clearly understand the key features, functionality, and performance of the machinery, and see the equipment in action. 

Product Brochures

Include download links to relevant product brochures. This allows your customers to have tangible, printable resources that they can reference offline when making decisions. 

Effective Call to Action

Drive visitor engagement and conversions with a clear call to action (CTA). Use concise and action-oriented language: eg "Request a Quote", "Schedule a Demo", or "Enquire about this Product".

Integration with Social Media

Your social posts should include links back to your website or landing page. Your website should also provide links to your social media channels.

Website Tips:

Clear Navigation

Structure your website in a clear and organised manner, allowing visitors to easily find and navigate through the diverse product offerings. 

Regular Content Updates

Keep your website content current and engaging by regularly updating information about our latest products, promotions, and developments.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Visual Appeal

Utilize visually appealing layouts that showcase Davimac and Agrowplow machinery prominently in menu navigations, banners and hero images.

Product information and resources can be found elsewhere in this media kit. By adhering to these expectations, you not only contribute to the overall success of Davimac Group but also strengthen your dealership's position as a reliable source for top-quality agricultural machinery. For additional product information and resources, please refer to the dedicated sections in this media kit. 

Case Studies / Examples:

ARMOUR GROUP (Agrowplow)



Social Media: 

Engaging with the Community

A strong brand presence goes beyond just displaying our products; it extends to fostering meaningful connections with your audience. Social media is the perfect medium to engage with your community of followers. 

Social Media Tips:

Talk to us about creating ready-to-go branded social graphics for your dealership. 

We can also organise paid targeted social ads in your area.

Strengthening Our Market Position Together

We are confident that by upholding these expectations of a strong brand presence on your dealership website and social media channels, you will not only enhance your market position but also contribute to the overall growth of the Davimac Group brand. 

Our commitment to excellence extends to all our valued dealers, and together, we can build a thriving network that reflects the true spirit of Davimac Group. 

Interact on social media, participate in relevant discussions, and leverage the power of online platforms to reinforce our brand's credibility and build trust with potential customers.

If you have any questions or would like further marketing support, please contact